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BeProvided Conservation Radio

BeProvided Conservation Radio takes you from the Santa Cruz Mountains to Africa with expert interviews in wildlife biology, conservation, environmental education, nature writing, nature art/photography, eco tourism and much much more.  Learn how you can help close to home and worldwide to protect our natural world.

On episodes before 2021-

Music by

Introduction and Outro done by friend of the podcast, Dale Willman, award winning journalist! Thank you Dale for this wonderful contribution!

Mar 6, 2018

Meet Colby Anton, PhD candidate at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC). Marcia interviewed Colby Anton at the beautiful UCSC campus to talk to him about his work with cougars and wolves in Yellowstone National Park. (This is Colby in the photo by Justin Duffer:NPS with his four legged workmate. Not a bad work setting at all!)

In this episode we learn about:

  • It is important to ask questions about the world around you, to be more mindful of how things work and how they behave
  • If you put your mind to it, you can work in any discipline to help in the field of conservation 
  • The importance of team work 
  • Cougars and wolves are more afraid of us then we know
  • New and old technologies to study cougar and wolf behavior and physiology
  • What keeps Colby going back for more!

This was a fun interview, Colby is a great storyteller and is very passionate about the work he is doing. I learned a lot! Thank you for listening!

Pictures of Colby's Workplace! (I am so jealous!):

young cougar at yellowstone

cougar at Yellowstone

picking up deceased frozen wolf for study

Picking up deceased and frozen wolf at Yellowstone to study

colby with frozen beard after picking up frozen wolf body at Yellowstone 

Colby after skiing in -20 degree F weather to pick up deceased wolf in Yellowstone with his amazing team.