Mar 6, 2018
Meet Colby Anton, PhD candidate at the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC). Marcia interviewed Colby Anton at the beautiful UCSC campus to talk to him about his work with cougars and wolves in Yellowstone National Park. (This is Colby in the photo by Justin Duffer:NPS with his four legged workmate. Not a bad work setting at all!)
In this episode we learn about:
This was a fun interview, Colby is a great storyteller and is very passionate about the work he is doing. I learned a lot! Thank you for listening!
Pictures of Colby's Workplace! (I am so jealous!):
cougar at Yellowstone
Picking up deceased and frozen wolf at Yellowstone to study
Colby after skiing in -20 degree F weather to pick up deceased wolf in Yellowstone with his amazing team.