Oct 17, 2021
Do you love raptors? Have you ever wanted to work directly with raptors? Do you know what is involved with rehabbing raptors?
Well if you want answers to these questions listen to this week's episode (just press play above!) with Kaitlyn Bohnet theo-founder and executive director of North Sky Raptor Sanctuary. We did a...
Oct 7, 2021
We are used to seeing birds, squirrels and deer in our suburban neighborhoods. But what about other animals that are exploring our yards as we sleep? I am Marcia Sivek and this is BeProvided Conservation Radio.
You may be surprised to that animals like bobcats, coyotes and even mountain lions may roam our yards at...
Aug 3, 2021
Today our show is about a Elinor Ostrom, a woman who pushed the envelope in the academia world when women weren’t well respected in that community. I speak with Erik Nordman, an Ostrom Scholar and author of The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom: Essential Lessons for Collective Action. In his book he explores...
Aug 1, 2021
“As a child, Tammy had a Pegasus as a pet (seriously, nobody else saw it?), she knew she was part mermaid, and liked to believe Africa was just around the corner rather than thousands of miles away. Using her passion for nature, and veterinary and wildlife degrees, she is doing her best to make the world a better...
Jul 30, 2021
My guest today is Dr. Greg Rasmussen, founder of the Painted Dog Research Trust.
The African Painted Dog is one of the most beautiful animals I have seen in the wild. Their body is covered in patches of black and tan that do look painted on with a brush! AND they have huge rounded ears and a furry white tipped tail.