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BeProvided Conservation Radio

BeProvided Conservation Radio takes you from the Santa Cruz Mountains to Africa with expert interviews in wildlife biology, conservation, environmental education, nature writing, nature art/photography, eco tourism and much much more.  Learn how you can help close to home and worldwide to protect our natural world.

On episodes before 2021-

Music by

Introduction and Outro done by friend of the podcast, Dale Willman, award winning journalist! Thank you Dale for this wonderful contribution!

Apr 30, 2020

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to BeProvided Conservation Radio. Today is a special edition of a live Facebook event and you can find the full video version on my Facebook or you can also find. A recorded version on YouTube. This is an abbreviated audio version of that interview with highlights about P-22 and the current...

Apr 22, 2020


book cover

My guest today is award winning journalist with master's degrees in both journalism and biology. Peter Christie, we are going to be talking about his new book, Unnatural Companions, Rethinking Our Love of Pets in an Age of Wildlife Extinction, we will discuss the pets versus conservation dilemma, such as...

Apr 14, 2020

Lori Marino is a neuroscientist and expert in animal behavior and intelligence. She coauthored a ground breaking study that showed that bottlenose dolphins can recognize themselves in the mirror. This altered Lori's career path, she stopped working with captive animals after this, it was too difficult to know...

Apr 7, 2020

Good day everyone this is Marcia Sivek the host of BeProvided Conservation Radio. I hope this finds everyone and their loved ones safe in these crazy times. I have been fortunate enough to be healthy and have a healthy family. I know there is a lot of news about COVID 19. There is a lot of anger toward China and the...

Apr 1, 2020

This week's show is a little different, in that I am interviewing the co-founder of an investment management firm called Karner Blue Capital. I have never thought of interviewing an investment company co-founder until I saw their recent press release titled: Socially responsible investment leader urges a...